Floating is about everything that you won't be doing. You won't be fighting gravity. The 400 kg of Epsom salt in the water takes care of that while you lie on your back.
Floating is an alternative to scientific term REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique). Floating tank was invented by Doctor John C. Lilly in 1954. He himself experimented and used a floating tank extensively, he has also written multiple interesting books about it.
HEALTH & WELLNESSPeople float to relive stress, recover from injuries, fight addiction, eliminate chronic pain and much more. Floating naturally increases your dopamine and endorphin levels, boosting your mood and leaving you with a pleasant afterglow that lasts for days afterward. Without the need to fight gravity or take-in external information, you'll likely experience the most complete relaxation you've ever felt.
Everything you experience while floating comes from within yourself. It's the perfect time to reflect on your life, and find the creative as well as personal insight you need. Float tanks can also be thought of as training wheels for meditation. After about 30-45 minutes of floating, your mind starts producing theta brainwaves, which are responsible for that state between waking & sleeping. After years of practice, people can enter theta state through meditation. Float tanks get you there effortlessly.
People have cut strokes off their golf game, developed complex scientific theories, and drafted whole portions of books thanks to floating. With nothing to distract you, your level of concentration and knowledge absorption is astonishing.
Floating is an opportunity to take time off and to find few minutes for yourself. A chance to step from outside world to the inner and deeper thoughts inside you, to open the door of new ideas and creativity, shake off what does not belong and find what feels true.